Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 1

Day one started out with a bang.  We traveled from home to Ritzville to visit with sister Carol, mother Eileen, and California cousin Jeffery.  On the way from town out to the farm Gary noticed smoke coming from the axle of the trailer.  After an hour or so trying to get the bearing nut off, Gary gave up and we limped back into town to a repair shop.  Bottom line, the bearing failed and the heat caused the bearing to weld to the axle so now we need a new axle.  So instead of leaving from Ritzville Tuesday morning, it will now be Wednesday around noon.  So frustrating because we had the bearings checked out and repacked with grease before we left home.  We are enjoying the extra time visiting with Jeffery and will go to Spokane today.  Maybe an extra unexpected visit with the grandkids.

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