Thursday, May 19, 2011

Death Valley, California

We left Rooneys for Death Valley Monday Morning, May 15th. We intended to spend 1 night in the National Park campground. Once in the park we realized there was more to see than Scottys Castle and the "valley". Monday we toured the castle and camped nearby.

Tuesday morning we continued south thru the park. We hiked in several canyons and drove on several scenic roads. This photo is from a lookout at 5475 feet elevation. The deepest part of the valley is -282 feet. We hiked over 6 miles combined and drove 170 miles.

More to the valley than the floor. We were amazed at all the rocks, hills and mountains. Tuesday afternoon it got to 87 but the wind was blowing so didn't seem hot.

As we left the park Wed morning we stopped at Badwater, so named because the horses wouldn't drink there. Lots of salt. We walked out on the salt flat to experience that, now need to clean the salt off my shoes.

Wednesday we drove on south. Highway 167, also named Joshua Tree Highway. We stopped here for lunch. Today we started in California, then into NV, back into CA, NV, AZ, CA ending in AZ. Beautiful scenery, lots of wind. So far 1587 miles.

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