Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Huntsville, Alabama

We left New Orleans headed for Huntsville, Alabama. We took the scenic route. This photo is a beach in Mississippi. We also went into Pensacola, Florida, just to say we got to Florida.

In Huntsville we visited friends George Giller and Gay Lynn Beard. Gay Lynn is a long arm quilter, meaning her quilting machine is really big. We got a wonderful, informative demonstration of her 2 machines and also wonderful show and tell of her quilts.

Gary and George are consentrating on moon landing simulators.

Here we got a chance to play with the controls of a space capsule.

This is the type of rocket that takes men to the moon. It was difficult to take photos here because everything is so big. George worked for a contractor here that had to do with NASA so he was a great tour guide. He answered all my stupid questions.

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