Thursday, June 23, 2011

Big Horn Mountains, WY

I thought this would be just a long travel day so I expected to get lots of knitting done. Well, there was beautiful scenery all day. We went from rolling hills to snow covered mountains. Lots of antelope along the freeway too. Here we are looking at the Big Horn mountains ahead, covered with snow.

At last we made it to the top. We followed the Crazy Woman Creek to the top and the Ten Sleep Creek down the west side. Not really creeks, the rivers are swollen, nearly to the top of their banks.

Anybody want to play in the snow? It was 58 degrees so the snow was soft.

The peak at the top. It was beautiful scenery. We are spending the night in Cody, WY. A small thunder shower just went thru but the sun is out now. Only a couple more hours in the morning to Yellowstone. We will be there 2 nights. I doubt we will have wifi since we won't even have any hook-ups in the campground. We expect to be home Monday unless Hayden and Lilly convince us to spend the night there Monday.

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