Monday, June 27, 2011


I have a lot of photos from Yellowstone. We enjoyed the wildlife and finally saw a bear. He was right next to the road so got a nice view.

Yellowstone ranges from 6800 to about 9000 feet elevation so there was snow in a lot of places. Here is Gary looking out of the trailer at the snow in the campground. We were thankful to not be in a tent, burrr.

Geyser Basin in West Thumb, near the campground. Lake Yellowstone and the snowy mountains that we drove over to get to Yellowstone.

The rivers were all near flood stage. That made the waterfalls spectacular. Here is the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Had to include a photo of Old Faithful.

Castle Geyser. The eruption lasts much longer than Old Faithful. We were watching this geyser and looked toward Old Faithful and it started its eruption so we were watching both at the same time. What a spectacle.

We saw 2 big herds of bison. There were lots of babies. We counted 13 at one time. Last time we were in Yellowstone it was September. Things are much different early in the season than late.

These guys are huge.

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