Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 10+306

Duluth MN to Minocqua WI
This turned into quite a day,  It was 150 miles from campground to campground.  We decided to add 50 miles and take the scenic route to see the Apostle Islands.  It was a beautiful drive and enjoyed our first sight of the Great Lakes.  We drove along the shore of Lake Superior.  Had lunch at Bayfield at a nice restaurant called Maggies.  It was recommended in the book Road Food that Carol gave us for this trip.  Tried White Fish and really enjoyed my meal.  At the visitors center for The Apostle Islands National Lake Shore the ranger  asked where we were headed.  Turns out there was a lot of flooding in Wisconsin last week and all the roads heading south and east were washed out.  We went back nearly to Duluth before finding a road to continue east.  That added about 100 miles to the day.  We have now learned to check the DOT website each day before heading out.
As you can see, There has been a lot of runoff of red dirt into Lake Superior  
Candy and I put our feet in Lake Superior  

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