Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 20 Niagara Falls, American Side

It was an amazing day at Niagara Falls.  We saw the placid river, then rapids, the falls from several perspectives, the class 6 rapids below the falls.  Can't say enough about how spectacular this site is.

These are the rapids above the falls.   The river divides and flows around Goat Island.  The falls then become 3, American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, Horseshoe Falls.  With American and Bridal Veil in the US and Horseshoe in Canada

 We walked quite near Bridal Veil Falls.  A view of the falls and then me touching the falls.  That was fun, and of course you can see, we got wet.  It was worth it.

We took a ride on the boat, Maid in the Mist.  Again we got wet.  Candy was enjoying the view.  We got up quite close to the falls.They have earned their name.  Niagara means thundering water.

Here are the class 6 rapids below the falls.  The waves can get 30 feet tall.

Just below the rapids is a giant whirlpool.  The river makes a sharp right turn and on it goes.

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