Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 56 Blue Ridge Parkway and Biltmore, NC

Today we spent in western North Carolina.  All these mountains are beautiful.  We woke up to fog.  Decided to wait until 9:30 to see if it would lift.  By the time we got up on the Blue Ridge Parkway about 10:00 the fog was gone and the mountains spectacular.  The road was windy and lots of elevation changes, up and down.  The views were spectacular.  Lots of layers of mountains.  And yes, they are blue.

 After an enjoyable morning looking at mountains we dropped off the parkway and went to Asheville where we toured the Biltmore. Built in 1895,  this was home to George and Edith Vanderbilt and their daughter Cornelia.  I can't even comprehend having that much money.  It is a beautiful home, beautifully furnished.  What a life that must have been to live the life of the ubber rich.

As you know, I am taken with ceilings.  Most of the photos I took were of ceilings.  Here is the winter garden.

 OK, so not all is peaches and cream along the way.  Today another RV side swiped us on a tight curve coming down from the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We were on the outside of the curve.  the other rig was on the tighter inside of the curve.  As we made the curve, the other trailer swang out of his lane and dented our trailer.  By the time it was done, we were both on around the corner and no place so pull off so just went on.  Today Gary got some duct tape to patch the hole until we get home and get the top panel replaced.  Our slide still works but is not sitting straight so will need some adjustment too.

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