Saturday, October 1, 2016

Day 82 HOME

Here is a map of where we traveled this summer.
82 days
11200 miles
34 states
completed our map of the lower 48 plus Alaska
This was a bucket list trip of a lifetime.  We had great traveling companions.  We live in an amazing country, both is terms of scenery and the people we met along the way.  We have been asked, "What was the best part?"  I don't have an answer.  We learned a lot of history. ( How will keep all of that straight?)  We saw a lot of beauty all across the land.  We enjoyed folk art sculptures along the highway, fine art in the Smithsonian museums.  Read stories of heros at the 9/11 Museum, encountered military veterans being honored at Mt. Rushmore.  Kind people helped with directions, auto repairs.

Our cumulative map of the roads we have traveled collecting all of the lower 48 states on our map.  We spent days in some states and hours in others.  There are many places we would like to return to and also many places we would like to see for the 1st time.  More trips to be planned.