Saturday, October 1, 2016

Days 78 & 79 in Yellowstone NP

I will never tire of all Yellowstone NP has to offer.  Every trip we experience something new, and exciting.  The first day we stopped at all the features on the way to Old Faithful.  Saw a beautiful waterfall and geothermal areas.  Beautiful colors of both water and mineral buildup around the hot springs.
We stayed around Old Faithful long enough to see 2 eruptions.  

hot springs

Old Faithful.  Didn't disappoint.

We saw black clouds ahead and it got darker as we drove east to see the West Thumb geyser basin. As we parked a hail storm began.  The ground turned white.  We were thankful to still be in the truck when it happened.  So much for the hot springs and fumaroles and mud pots here.

Once we crossed back over the continental divide and down the west side the storm subsided.  We were blessed with a close up  view of this guy.  He walked right in front of us in a parking area along the road.

I love this photo of the bison (buffalo) with fumaroles in the background.  This park is very diverse.

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