Saturday, August 2, 2014


We left the rigs at Haines Jct. RV park and drove the pickup to Haines.  It is about 300 miles round trip.  These first 2 photos are scenery on the way down.  These mountains amaze me every day.
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 Here is a fish wheel.  The native people catch salmon this way.  The wheel is powered by the river current.  It scoops up the fish though there were no fish in it when we watched.
There were several totem poles around town.  
 This is the weekend of the Southeast Alaska State Fair.  We enjoyed the atmosphere. 
Gary and I took a hike to Battery point on Lynn Canal.  As with the roads we have traveled, the path started out easy and paves with crushed rock.
 Look what happened part way there.  A woman coming back out the trail gave me her walking stick.  It was helpful in the mud and crossing the creeks where there were rocks to hop across.
 The view from the end of the trail.  We sat on the beach a few minutes and then returned to the truck.  Garnet and Ken chose to site see in town.
Chilkoot Lake.  We drove ;up here hoping to see bear fishing in the river between the lake and the sound.  No bears were hungry when we were there.  Once again beautiful scenery.
Here is sunset at 10:30 pm on the way back.  See the bugs on the windshield?  Great Day

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