Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Home 8250 miles

We are home.  We were gone 51 days, 8250 miles, 883.656 gallons of gas....
I went back and posted photos on the last several posts where the internet was not capable of uploading photos so please, go back and reread the last 4-5 posts.
We haven't processed the trip in terms of all we saw and all the incredible experiences.  I plan to make a photo album to remember the highlights.  The album I bought will only hold 160 photos so will have to really dwell on which to print.  Maybe then I will have more of a short answer in response to what we did and experienced.
We have many memories of people, places, wildlife that will live on in our hearts.  God went before us in many ways.  We felt protected, surprised, in awe of His creation.  Many days Garnet commented about our gift of the day. 
Now, all to quickly, we will get back into our usual routine and this will be a wonderful memory.  I enjoyed sharing it with you.

1 comment:

  1. We thank you for sharing your wicked awesome adventure with us. Love, Steve and Barb
