Monday, August 4, 2014

Whitehorse 6055 Day 42 (6 weeks)

We spent the day enjoying Whitehorse  This suspension foot bridge is over the Yukon River.  Before a dam was built there were rapids here that were quite troublesome to the stampeders heading to the Klondike.  Beautiful Miles Canyon.
 Gary and Ken went golfing.  Garnet and I went grocery shopping.  This is a building on the golf course,  Gary and Ken were with a red fox for part of their morning.  They enjoyed watching it.
We crossed the bridge in Whitehorse.  The town on the other side is called Riverdale.  Loved this bicycle sculpture in the front yard of a bicycle loving family.
This retired airplane is a weathervane.  As I was taking the photo it shifted a bit and I got a better angle.  It was a military plane, then passenger plane until it blew an engine, then became quite an attraction.

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