Friday, August 19, 2016

2 more days in DC

Yesterday we went to see more monuments and museums.  There is so much to see.  We got off the Circulater bus at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial.  We hadn't realized this beautiful memorial was here.  A gem.

We then walked to the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial.  

On to the Korean War memorial.  My uncle, Donald Dick fought in this conflict.

Abraham Lincoln still amazes me.  He was a very wise man.

We walked on to the Vietnam memorial, I didn't take a photo, and then to the WWII memorial. Both Gary and my fathers fought in this war. 

After lunch we toured the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  We couldn't take any photos on the money printing tour.  In the gift shop I looked up and saw this amazing ceiling.  The docent said they don't know much about it, if it is wood or plaster he did know the building was built in 1909.  

Today we went to the second Air and Space museum Udvar-Hazy Center.  It is near Dulles airport.  It is large enough to hold the Discovery space shuttle, a concord, the B-29 Enola Gay and many other airplanes.  We had decided to split this day between this museum and Mt Vernon so had to leave before we saw everything.  Took a guided tour, our guide is a retired aeronautical engineer.  He had an incredible about of knowledge to share with a lot of enthusism.

After lunch we traveled to George Washington's home, Mt Vernon, Virginia.  I enjoyed listening to this costumed character walking thru the grounds playing his fife.

The beautiful mansion.  It is detailed to look as it did in 1799, the year Washington died.

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