Thursday, August 25, 2016

Day 49 Monticello, VA 6235 miles

Today we drove down the Shenandoah valley and crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains on our way to Charlottesville, VA.  A beautiful drive but encountered some aggressive semi-truck drivers.  

We visited Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson.  He was the 3rd president of the United States.  He drafted the Declaration of Independence.  He was an inventor and so there were some interesting things in his house.  When he was President he sent Lewis and Clark west on their exploration trip as well as made the Louisiana Purchase.

The garden as it would have looked in Jefferson's time.  

Monticello has 2 front doors.  This is the door the guests would have entered.

Drove to the top of Carter Mountain with the promise a peach orchard at the top.  Got some peaches and also enjoyed the view of the area.

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