Monday, August 1, 2016

Day 24, July 31

 Overnight at Limehurst Lake Campground, Williamstown, VT.  Woke up to fog on the lake and a crane looking for breakfast.
 We decided to take the scenic route which means a slower road.  We wanted to see Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves as well as Franconia Notch both in New Hampshire.  The trip was beautiful  The Lost river lived up to its name.

 Paradise Falls.  Sometimes the Lost River showed up.

We scrambled thru the "caves".  They were void spaces under huge granite boulders that have been deposited in the bottom of the gorge.  It was fun but also amazing to me how all these HUGE boulders have been there for centuries, some held in place by quite small rocks.

New Hamshire, like Vermont, has beacutiful mountains.  Today it was the White Mountains, Yesterday the Green Mountains

This is Franconia Notch.  Learned that here notch means pass.  Lots of granite.

Cannon Mountain ski area
Spectacular scenery today.  Ended the day in Maine.

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