Sunday, August 21, 2016

Last day on the Mall

We rode the subway to Union station.  A very large, beautiful dome.  I am learning to look up!

 From Union station we walked to the capital.  We were fortunate to just walk up to the tour reservation line and get into the next tour.  I was disappointed we didn't get to see the rotunda.  It is beautiful but was closed for refurbishment.  That is the case often in DC.  The Washington Monument elevator was not working so it was closed as well.  This is Rooney's first time in DC so I was pleased that they got to see inside the capital building, just not all of it!
Next on the agenda was the White House.  We did not get a tour, but walked around the streets and got to see both the north and south fronts of the White House.  We also toured the White House Visitors Center which gave a lot of history.

We walked from the White House back to the mall for time in the Natural History Museum.  It was open late on a Saturday.  Many families took advantage of that so it was packed.  We saw some of the displays but in the end we found a table in the cafe and had a Pepsi.
Gary's Dad is in the hospital in Richland.  The Doctors are solving his problems.  The time sitting in the cafe gave Gary a chance to call the hospital and talk with a nurse and his Dad.  We are very thankful for the care he is receiving from the hospitalist and the times he has called Gary to give an update.

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