Monday, August 1, 2016

Day 23

 In case you are wondering why I am collecting license plates from each state we travel thru, thought I would show you what it is I am collecting.  These are fabric pieces, 6" x 9" with state names and a cute word or phrase printed on it.  Eventually I will sew them together along with the strips I will piece that signify something about the state.  Saw this quilt is the shop we stopped at in Vermont.  Garnet bought the pattern.

This morning we went to the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA.  He was an incredible illustrator.  I enjoyed reading about each of his paintings, how he told a story, why he included the details he did, and the symbolism of the details.  Leaving there we headed north through Vermont.  This is a beautiful state, driving thru the Green Mountains.