Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Day 39 - Washington DC - 5774 miles

We have arrived in Washington DC.  We are excited to be here for the next week.  The only down side is that they are having a heat wave with high humidity.  We are enjoying the air conditioned museums.  We have experienced 2 thunder storms here.  Boy does it rain and again the lightning really lights up the sky and goes on for quite some time.  

I wish I would have taken photos of the plaques for these sculptures so I could tell you the artist.  This was a beautiful bronze of a ballerina.

This is a veiled nun carved in marble.  We spent quite a bit of time looking at this in amazement that this is all done in stone.

Whaling ships.  After our time in Mystic Sea Port I have become interested in whaling learning more about whaling and this caught my eye. 

Of course Monet.

We moved on to Arlington National Cemetery.  We got a shuttle out to see the niche of my aunt and uncle, Jesse and Jayne Miller.  It was moving to see where their ashes are interred and remember happy times with them.  They are in the same columbarium we visited a few years ago with our friends the Shupes.

Our sister-in-law Linda Boone Wagenblast is a descendant of Daniel Boone.  We went to the National Portrait Gallery.  I thought it was just portraits of the US presidents but it was much more.  We didn't see it all. 

We finally made it to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.  It is a lovely memorial.  The walls are engraved with his philosophy of government and the rights of all people.  A very wise man.  As a colonist he was an English citizen.  So, depending on which side of the American Revolution you were on he was either a traitor or a patriot.  

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