Tuesday, July 22, 2014


 We headed downtown for Reindeer sausage for lunch.  Garnet is contemplating the choice.  For those who don't know Garnet, she doesn't eat much meat, especially not reindeer.
 She chose a chicken dog.  Nice they had an alternative for her.  The rest of us enjoyed our reindeer sausage.  If it makes you feel better, reindeer are a domesticated breed of the caribou family.  They are raised for meat so it is like eating beef or pork in the sense that no one killed bambi for their lunch.
 Totem poles tell a story.  Gary is by eagle and clam.  The other one the eagle is plucking up the moon and stars.
Fishing in Ship Creek in downtown Anchorage.  We were on a bridge   The water is clear and we could see the salmon swimming up river.  The fisher people would ask where the fish were and cast their line in that direction.  We saw 1 fish caught but it must not have been the right type as it was released.  We did see 2 other successful fishermen each with 1 fish.

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