Friday, July 11, 2014

Denali Kantishna Experience

We decided to take the bus tour that went to the end of the park road, 92.5 miles.  It was a 12 hour ride, but the only way to get into the park.  Kantishna was a mining camp so got a bit of history as well as all the sights. 
 It was a great day for spotting wildlife.  We saw 10 moose including this family.  We saw a group of 3, 1 bull and 2 cows being chased by a grizzly bear.  The moose can outrun the bear.
We saw this family of grizzly bears.  The 2 cubs had a wrestling match, great entertainment for us and them.  They are first year cubs.  Saw another family as well and several singles.
 Herd of caribou.  Saw several herds during the day.

Hayden, this is a plant growing in the tundra.  See how small it is next to grandpas hand?
 We have seen quilts by this artist in 3 places recently.  She is quite an artist and quilter.  This is the mountain we hope to see, Mt McKinley.
This is the best view of Mt McKinley so far.  It is hidden in the clouds, with just a portion showing above the clouds.  It extends much higher.  We are still hopeful that we might see it but it is most uncommon to have a full view since the mountain makes its own clouds. 
The white specks are dall sheep.  There were several in this herd.  We saw several herds but always high up in the mountains.  With binoculars we could tell they were sheep.
All in all, a wonderful day in the park.

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