Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Spruce Trees

 Someone asked about the trees.  The size of the trees depends on the type of soil they are going in.  All of these photos are of spruce trees but as you can see, some are bigger than others and some forests are quite thick with trees and some quite sparse.  This photo is at Denali in the sub-alpine climate.  Not very thick.
The moose is in a much wetter area where the trees grow easily
 This is the tundra.  Not many trees and they really struggle.  The soil is not very deep.
There are even spruce trees in the campground where we are right now.  They make spruce tea, spruce sugar, spruce salt.  The souvenir shops sell it lots of ways.  I forgot to introduce to our traveling companions at the beginning of the blog.  This is Ken and Garnet Imel.  Gary likes to introduce Garnet as his sister-in-laws sister-in-law.  My sister Carol is married to Garrett.  Garrett has a sister, Garnet.  So, anyway, now you know our relationship.  They have a motorhome and we have a travel trailer.  When we are parked, like here at Denali, we 4 travel around in our pick-up.  Quite convenient.

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