Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tok, Alaska

We had beautiful views of the Wrangell Mountains as we drove today.  This is the Copper River, yes the one with wonderful Copper river salmon but the catching is done miles downstream from here. 
Tonight Garnet and I went to hear a musher talk about his experiences.  It was very
interesting.  Here is Garnet with Walter Payton.  He is a very friendly dog and enjoyed
the attention.  Earlier in the day we got to see 2 puppies that are for sale.  Sadly,
we had to leave them for someone else but they were sure cute.
I am trying to learn to use the panoramic setting on my camera.  The left is Mt Sanford, the right is Mt Drum.  In the center, you have to increase the size of the photo, is Mt Wrangell.  It is 14,163 feet but is the furthest away. 

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