Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Halibut fishing

This was the day for halibut fishing.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  The water was calm too.  The day started early and with much anticipation.
The fisher people are off.  I drove them to the dock so that Garnet and I could meet them on their return and see the anticipated fish.  While they were gone we made a trip to Safeway to get the necessary ingredients to cook the expected fish for dinner.
Here are Garys 2 halibut.  2 is the limit per day.  Ken also got his 2 fish.
Those 2 beautiful fish equaled this pan of fillet pieces ready for the freezer.
Garnet and I thought this gives a new meaning to a "house" boat.  Don't know if anyone is living on it now.  Hope not.

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