Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Denali Dog Kennel

 Much of Denali National Park is designated a wilderness area.  Because of that, in that area there can be no mechanical transportation.  They use the dogs to patrol the wilderness in the winter as well as to haul supplies.  When they need to repair the cabins used in the wilderness they take the supplies out by dog sled in the winter and then return in the summer to make the necessary repairs.
We joined about 200 other people to tour the kennel and watch a demonstration of the dog sleds.  Many of the dogs were available for petting.  Some were not as interested.
Garnet, being a UW Huskie, has been getting tired of following our trailer with our WSU Cougar spare tire cover.  Finally, she got to have her day with the Alaskan Huskies.
They are beautiful dogs.
When the dogs recognized that it was about time to get hooked up to the sled the got really excited.  Lots of barking.  Those chosen were full of energy, pulling the trainers to get them to the sled.  Garnet took video of the dogs pulling the sled.  Maybe sometime I will get it up here.  When the musher gave them the GO, off they went.  What excited dogs, wonderful to watch.
I didn't have the same effect.

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