Monday, July 14, 2014

Soldotna - Kenai

 Today we went to the town of Kenai.  We watched dip netting which is when people stand in the river with a big net hoping a fish will swim into it. 
 They must get enough fish to make it worth while.  There were many people dip netting at the mouth of the Kenai River where it flows into Cook Inlet.
All the fishing here is fascinating to watch.

 Kenai has a Russian history. Here is a Russian Orthodox church constructed in 1894.

Called a chapel but I think the bodies of the first priest and his assistants are buried under the building
We saw "urban" moose today.  Saw this mama and baby munching on someone's shrubs.  See the fence?  That is to keep them out of the garden.
Fresh salmon dinner.  There was a mixup at the RV park when we arrived.  Someone didn't vacate the site we were assigned to so when we arrived there was no place for us to park.  We ended up sharing a site with Ken and Garnet.  Once we were settled we decided all was well.  This morning a lady knocked at Imels door.  She had a salmon filet as a peace offering for causing us problems by her not checking out on time.  It was delicious and all is forgiven.

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