Monday, July 28, 2014

Valdez to Glennallen 5078

It was starting to cloud up in the evening.  Gary happened to look in the right direction and noticed a rainbow.  As we watched, in amazement, it became a full rainbow, then brighter and brighter and then a double rainbow.  I wish we could have taken a photo of the vibrant color of the whole rainbow but we just couldn't get the color.  It is in our memory forever.  Garnet commented that it was our gift of the day.  Seems we are surprised by what we see or encounter every day.  God is gracious.  The rainbow was followed by rain all night and most of the next day.  Typical Valdez weather. 
View in 1 direction from our trailer.  There are mountains in every direction from Valdez. 
Today we had to leave beautiful Valdez.  Soon after we drove through Keystone Canyon.  There were beautiful waterfalls  Here is Horsetail Falls.  As you see the blue skies returned.
On to Bridal Vail falls.  Lots of water coming down from these mountains.

What is left of an avalanche.  There was ice on both sides of the road.  The river has carved out some of the ice. 
The pipeline near Valdez.  We hadn't seen the pipeline since Fairbanks.  Now it is near the terminal
Pump station 12.  This is the last pump station to get the oil over the last mountain pass and on its final leg to Valdez where it is put on ships to the lower 48.  We are on our way to the lower 48 too.  We will be traveling generally southeast these days, with the exception of a trip to Haines.  We should be back in Washington in about 2 weeks.  We are almost back to Canada where we will turn off our of cell phones and don't expect very good internet connection. 

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