Sunday, July 13, 2014

Soldotna 3872 miles

 Today we drove from Wasilla, home of Sarah Palin, through Anchorage to Soldotna on the Kenai peninsula.  A beautiful drive in spite of the low clouds.  Along Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet we saw many dall sheep on the hillside.  Too bad I couldn't get a photo.  Lots of traffic and no place to stop.  This beautiful iceberg is in Portage Lake.

We got to Portage Lake at the right time to take a boat tour up the lake to Portage Glacier.  A beautiful lake and lots of glaciers all around.
We got a close up view.  Beautiful blue color.
 Then on to Soldotna.  After getting set up at the RV park we drove to a public fishing access on the Kenai River.  The fisherpersons gave us a good show.  The were casting into the river.  They were 6-20 feet apart.  We watched for an hour or so and saw several fish caught.

Here is 1 lucky fisherman.  Beautiful salmon.

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