Sunday, July 6, 2014

Arctic Circle

 We drove to the Arctic Circle today.  It was a 400 mile round trip on many miles of gravel, dirt, frost heave rutted road.  We were gone 12 hours.  It was all worth it to say we made it.  This is a photo of the road (curved line), pipe line (straight) and tundra.  We started out with trees and ended up where they don't grow.
 We passed through this rocky area.  The tundra freezes, thaws, freezes, thaws and pushed these rocks up over millenia.

Many beautiful scenic vistas.
 Perma frost with small trees.  Yukon river in the distance.
We made it.  We got certificates to prove it.  We took a picnic lunch and ate once we arrived.  The thing that I found most interesting is that the "Arctic Circle" moves.  It is a function of the sun and with the wobble of the earth it doesn't stay constant.  It is not a constant latitude. 

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